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Monday, June 21, 2010

Wanted to get in a quick post before I head out for about a month's holiday in the U.S. Big news today (and for the past few weeks actually) is that I am and remain "Master of my Domain." (Seinfeld fans, not what you're thinking.) Here's the deal: My doc kept telling me that, after the 3rd round of chemo (two or three weeks ago; I lost track), my blood values would go down, and that as such it was NOT a good idea for me to go spend a month in the states. I simply refused to believe his predictions/assessment, because the docs may have their statistics and the boat may have its agenda but, in the end, I'M running this show. I'm feeling good. Damn good. Better than ever good. Happier than ever good. Damn near ecstatic good. And my blood, true as it runs, is backing me up all the way. So I kept telling the doc, "You just wait and see, my values are fine and they'll continue to be fine. In fact, I bet they'll be getting better." Lo and behold, since the last round, my values just keep going up and up. Red cell count: High as it's been for ages (12.8), platelet count, my docs biggest concern, riding on the high-end of my new normal (37). So tomorrow, off I go, values flying high, into the wild blue yonder. Very much looking forward to some time with family and friends. Ain't life grand.

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